Saturday 10 March 2012

1st Korean Lesson (첫수업)

Sungho 선생님 & Students

Expressions students learned during the class were greetings and basic introduction
such as:

-안녕(하세요) Hello

-저는 ........... 입니다. / 제 이름은 .......... 입니다.  I am ..... / My name is .... . 

-저는 ........... 사람입니다. I am (name of the country).

-저는 ...........을/를 공부해요. I study ........

-저는 2학년 입니다. I am second grade. 

(numbers: 1  - 일 / 2 - 이 / 3 - 삼 / 4 - 사)

And, also 

We learned how to say 'Nice to meet you.' in Korean which is


Each student took turn to practice speaking what they have just learned in the class. Teachers were surprised how fast they learned. 참 잘했어요(Well-done)!! :-)

Wow! Look at how focused students are during the lesson listening to 성호 선생님 & taking notes! I'm sure you'll improve a lot during a 8 sesssion course! GOOD LUCK & IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU ALL! ^^

After the Class... few teachers headed up to the place where we can play 탁구(table tennis). The assisting teacher, Jiho(성호) almost played like a professional and made perfect pair with Sungho (지호). +_+  Oh, well I've just realised they have same 소리(sound) in their 이름(names) '-ho'!

  And some bonus pictures of Sungho & other teachers: